Wednesday, January 9, 2013


It is a well-known fact that Homoeopathy treats the person holistically. The homoeopathic physician takes a number of factors into consideration before prescribing any medicine or suggesting any lifestyle changes to restore you back to health.

One of the most important data in case-taking is the “NEVER WELL SINCE” symptom. This is nothing but the causative factor that was operating in the person’s life before the onset of his symptom. It is one of the most decisive and fundamental aspect of the entire case and if found can help in solving the case speedily.  Many times the person is not aware to link the NWS with the symptoms that are troubling him and thus not revealing vital information to the physician. In allopathic practice too causative factor are recognized, but only common ones are grouped together as risk factors for such-and-such disease. E.g.: cholesterol and heart disease. Even if it does recognize certain environmental factors, it has no solutions for it other than giving symptomatic or suppressive measures for it. E.g: Diarrhea in allopathy is treated by an anti-diarrheal, maybe with ORS powder and a prebiotic/probiotic; an antibiotic may be given if the cause is thought to be infective. But in homeopathy we have medicines for multiple causative factors of diarrhea – Is it by eating contaminated food? Is it by eating fish? Is it due to drinking milk? Is it due to some acute stress like appearing for an exam? The remedies change according to the cause. There is no fixed anti-diarrheal, we always treat the cause and effect.

Carrying this idea forward, I am presenting some hints and examples to the reader of NWS to sensitize him/her to this important aspect of case-taking. It will help to give better information to the doctor while case-taking so as to derive better results. It is also important to note that this is not the only method of case taking; there are many other factors which are taken into consideration before selecting the medicine. Even if you are not able to give this data, do not worry. The homeopathic physician has many methods to select the correct medicine for you.

The NWS list given below is not exhaustive, but only a means to attract your attention to such factors. You may find some are applicable in your case which you have not reported to your homoeopathic physician. The causative incident which has recently occurred and followed by the problem is easy to correlate, but events happened long back may be difficult to trace to the onset of symptoms. One way is to write down all the diseases you have suffered in the past and also the major events in your life happened so far. Only then you might strike some clue about the cause-effect correlation with the event and disease. Again it is not always possible to do so, but whenever this data is available it should be always brought to the attention of the treating homoeopathic physician.

Bad News
Business Failure
Death of family Member
Disappointed Love
Argument between boss and employee
Excessive joy (Yes, even an excess of happiness can be bad)
Sudden shock
Suppressed anger, grief.

Diarrhea due to fear of exam.
Hypertension after death of husband.
Diabetes after loss in business.

Weather – wet, dry, cold, hot, snow, wind
Heat/sun stroke
Living in marshy area, damp places.

Headache from sunlight.
Cough from sudden cold weather.
Itching skin from seawater.
Joint pains in Mumbai, but no complaints in Pune or Surat.
Cold cough in Mumbai, but no complaints in Delhi.

Head injury
Cut, laceration
Electric shock
Over-lifting, overstraining

Headache after head injury.
Neck pain after carrying heavy bag.

Fried food
Any food or drink

Diarrhea after fried food.
Acidity from tea.
Skin rash from milk.
Abdomen pain from eating prawns.

Loss of sleep
Antibiotics, drugs
Childhood diseases
Acute diseases
Herpes Zoster
Liver disease.
Suppressed sweat

Migraine after loss of sleep due caring for sick relative.
Digestive problems after hepatitis.
Continuous weakness after fever, even when fever subsided many weeks back.
Repeated respiratory infections after recovering from attack of pneumonia.
Abdomen pain after surgery, but nothing seen on ultrasonography or urine or blood tests.