Do homoeopathic physicians use steroids?
NO. Homoeopathy basically helps the body’s natural healing mechanism to heal itself. Therefore it is necessary that the natural responses of the body should not be suppressed by any agent. Steroids are basically given to suppress the immunological response and therefore cause the relief in symptoms. Thus giving steroids would be going against the very purpose of giving a homoeopathic medicine.
Also, if any patient has been on long-term cortisone treatment (since many chronic cases are under homoeopathic treatment for many years), he would show some side effects like acidity, moon face, thinning of bones, diabetes, etc which are not seen in a person on homoeopathy.
Cortisone is again not a wonder drug for all the diseases man suffers from. Anything that gives a fast result is labeled as steroids nowadays. Homoeopathy too gives immediate relief in acute cases, so the doubt arises whether a steroid has been used.
One of the tests conducted for detecting the presence of steroid shows a false positive reaction. But by conducting subsequent confirmatory tests it is proved that HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES HAVE NO STEROIDS.
Is it advisable to continue supplements along with homoeopathy?
It depends on what the person is taking and for what reason and by whom it is given. Certain herbal supplements can interfere with the action of medicines. Supplements like calcium, multivitamins might be needed by the patient and could be allowed to be continued as per the case requirement. Anything which might change the symptoms or interfere with the treatment needs to be discontinued only after consultation.
Are dietary restrictions a must while taking medicines?
Strict restrictions on onion, garlic, and coffee are not warranted in all cases. But in certain cases, these are restricted if the doctor feels the action of the medicine will be interfered with when these are included in diet. Dietary restriction as per the disease condition is patient specific for any line of treatment (avoid excess sugar and fats in diabetes, salt in hypertension, etc.).
Why is the 20-30 minutes gap advised before and after taking any homeopathic medicine?
The action of the medicine starts in the mouth as soon as the medicine is taken. Therefore it is advisable there is no interference by strong odors when the dose taken is acting. Medicine also seems to work when given in milk or water as in infants or certain cases when dilution is required. Drinking plain water is allowed before taking the medicine, but not after.
Why are all medicines in the form of small white globules?
The small white globules are basically made from cane sugar. They have no medicinal property. These are used as a medium to deliver the alcohol based medicine to the patient. Other forms of taking medicine are taking the dilution or tincture directly on tongue or dissolving it in water as per the need of the case.
Can diabetic patients take these sugar pills?
Yes. They can take the medicine as the amount of sugar is negligible. Diabetes is basically a lifestyle disease and the emphasis should be on the entire diet and not only on carbohydrates. Diabetes are not advised a zero carbohydrate diet, therefore taking few pills will definitely not harm anybody.
Does homoeopathy first cause worsening of the disease on commencing the treatment?
Not in all cases. It depends whether any suppression has taken place which is again expressing itself after taking the homeopathic dose. Homoeopathy cures the patient within outwards. The so-called worsening of symptoms is actually the original presentation of the disease. The patient thinks it is an aggravation since he is used to the temporary relief given by the suppressive agent.
Should medicines for blood pressure or diabetes or other chronic illnesses be stopped when starting homeopathic treatment?
No. The patient is on allopathic medicines for a long time and the disease is kept under control under the influence of the medicine. Therefore he develops a drug dependency for those drugs. Suddenly stopping the drugs can cause a rebound phenomenon and aggravate the disease. These medicines need to be tapered off gradually after consulting the doctor.
Can homoeopathy treat any disease?
No and yes. Every system of medicine has its scope and limitations. The physician should guide the patient according to the type of disease and the stage at which he comes to the homoeopath regarding the results expected from treatment. But even if the disease is beyond the scope of homoeopathy, palliation can be given to make the patient comfortable. Even in surgical cases, pre- and post-surgery, homoeopathy offers a variety of medicines for effective wound healing, early recovery, pain relief, etc. One should consult the doctor for the type of result expected for the case.
Does homoeopathy really have no side effects?
Yes. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects. Side-effects are certain undesirable symptoms produced when the primary effects of the medicine or treatment are acting on the body. Homeopathic medicine is chosen according to the signs and symptoms of the case and the medicine is individualized for the person. Therefore there are no side-effects produced by taking these medicines.
If any person takes some medicine by reading newspapers or internet articles without any professional advice, then such a medicine might produce some side-effects since the medicine may not match the exact symptoms of the person. This can happen particularly if the medicine is taken for a long time, without need, in very low or very high potency, and particularly if the person is sensitive to that medicine. Most of the effects are reversible on stopping the medicine.
What is the need for conducting pathological tests when on homoeopathy?
Pathological tests are done to understand the disease activity in the body. No investigation is allopathic or ayurvedic or homeopathic. The treatment for the disease condition may be different, but the human body is the same. Investigations also helps in proving the efficacy of the treatment administered.
Why does a homeopathic physician not reveal the prescription?
The patient might get an initial good response and may unnecessarily continue taking the medicines even when not indicated.
Every medicine is selected depending on the symptom picture. The patient may use the same medicine for a similar disease for another person thinking he might benefit from it, but the symptom picture may be different for that person.
Doctors do give the names of medicines used during treatment when the patient gets a job transfer to a new city or decides to leave the present locality and discontinue treatment.
Is homeopathic treatment safe during pregnancy?
Yes. Conditions like morning sickness, backache, piles, and other pregnancy related problems are effectively managed by homeopathy. Homeopathy is one of the safest modes of treatment.
Can homeopathy be given to infants and children?
Yes. Homeopathy is one of the safest modes of treatment for any age group.
Can homeopathy be given to animals?
Homeopathy can be given to all living things including plants and animals.
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