Kindly describe the following mental features if present in your case. Please mention the question number when describing the symptoms.
1. Do you conceal your restlessness and worries behind a smiling face? Do you dislike arguments and yield easily to avoid conflict? Do you use food, work, or addictions as excuses to hide your worries?
2. Do you have vague fears, fears of something bad about to happen? Are you worried about your future? Do you wake up feeling anxious?
3. Do you have a critical attitude? Are you intolerant or critical of others? Do you focus on person’s mistakes?
4. Can you say “NO” to others? Do you say “yes” even when you want to say “no”? Do you easily get persuaded or influenced by others?
5. Do you lack confidence in taking your own decisions? Do you always need others for advice? Do you often change your mind since you are confused?
6. Do you have fear of loss of self control? Are you impulsive? Do you get uncontrolled sudden outbursts of anger?
7. Do you keep repeating the same faults or mistakes and not learn from them to avoid them? Do you rush into new activity before finishing the earlier one?
8. Do you have a possessive attitude? Do you interfere with other person’s work? Do you like attention given by others and demand it always?
9. Do you daydream? Are you absent-minded? Do you pay little attention to what is happening around you?
10. Do you feel unclean or ashamed of your problem or diseases? Do you get stuck in minor details? Are you obsessed with cleanliness, dirt, bacteria, pollution, etc?
11. Do you feel overwhelmed by responsibilities? Do you have temporary doubts about yourself? Do you have phases wherein you feel the responsibility is too much to bear and you can’t cope with it?
12. Do you get easily discouraged and disappointed if there are sudden unexpected difficulties? Are you skeptical (always doubting) and pessimistic? Do you easily get dejected by temporary setbacks?
13. Do you feel hopeless and depressed? Do you feel you no longer have the energy to try again? Do you get “It’s of no use” feeling and give up easily?
14. Do you feel obsessed with your own problems and need someone to vent out your feelings? Do you dislike being alone and always need some person to keep talking? Do you take yourself too seriously and always talk about yourself?
15. Do you feel jealous, hateful and suspicious? Do you always think negatively? Do you get angry at the slightest pretext?
16. Do you always think of the past (‘the good old days’)? Do you feel homesick? Do you feel sorry for having missed an opportunity and always think about it? Is your body in the present, but mind in the past?
17. Do you keep postponing things? Do you feel the ‘Monday morning feeling’ with tiredness and fatigue? Do you feel like a ‘mental block’? Do you need beverages while working in order to fight boredom and physical and mental exhaustion? Are you bored of the routine?
18. Do you feel impatient and irritable? Do you find it hard to wait for your turn in a queue? Do you get annoyed at people who work slowly? Do you over-react to situations?
19. Do you expect failure since you lack confidence? Do you use illness as an excuse to avoid doing certain things? Do you feel inferior and useless?
20. Do you have fear of known things (eg fear of water, fire, cancer, death, crossing street, etc.)? Are you reserved, timid, and shy? Are you overcautious in doing things due to fear of harm?
21. Do you feel depressed without reason? Do you feel not being part of normal life due to this vague gloomy feeling that comes and goes?
22. Do you neglect yourself in order to finish your work? Do you try to take more pressure than what your mind and body can handle? Do you continue to strive for perfection in spite of being ill or unable to do job?
23. Do you feel mentally and physically exhausted? Do you feel drained out and as if you have used up all your reserves? Have you been through a long period of illness or stress?
24. Do you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong? Do you always apologize? Do you feel inferior and unworthy? Do you have a negative image of yourself?
25. Do you have excessive concern and worry about your family and friends? Do you worry a lot if someone in the family comes home late? Do you feel even a slight appearance of symptom may be something very serious health issue in others, but don’t bother for self?
26. Do you get extremely fearful and panic in emergency situations? Do you feel frozen with fear?
27. Do you set high standards for yourself? Are you strict and rigid in your views? Are you a perfectionist who is hard on himself if self-imposed discipline is not maintained?
28. Do your opinions and moods often change? Do you find it difficult to take decisions, yet fail to ask others for an opinion? Do you miss good opportunities due to your erratic shifting moods? Do you find it difficult to choose between two options?
29. Have you recently suffered a traumatic event in your life? Do you feel paralyzed with sorrow and sadness due to recent or past disappointments or events? Do you feel you have never recovered from the fright or loss?
30. Do you feel you may breakdown under stress? Do you feel you have reached the limits of your ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship? Do you feel you have reached a dead-end?
31. Do you try to force others in doing things that are good for them? Do you always try to convince others in doing things your way? Are you courageous, accepting risks and prepared to sacrifice to achieve your goals?
32. Are you dominating and bossy? Do you consider yourself to be a good leader? Do you feel you know the best and others must follow you? Do you like power and authority?
33. Do you find it difficult in adjusting to new situations? Do you find it difficult in adjusting to transition periods of life like a new job, divorce, retirement, moving to another city, puberty, menopause, etc.? Do you find it difficult to come out of the influence of a dominant personality (parent, teacher, friend, partner) when taking decisions relating to self? Do you find it difficult to break off the past memories to zoom ahead in the future?
34. Are you reserved and aloof? Do you find it difficult to ask for help from others? Do you find it difficult to connect with people? Do you feel isolated from others due to a feeling of superiority in yourself?
35. Do you keep reliving unhappy incidents again and again in your mind? Do you have sleep problems due to persistent unwanted thoughts? Do you repeatedly think about “what might have said’ or ‘should have said’? Do you keep going over the same problem again and again in your mind?
36. Are you ambitious, but have no clue about what to do with your life? Are you a ‘Jack of all trades, but master of none’ and feel frustrated for not having a proper job? Do you feel you have not chosen the correct profession, but not sure what else you can do?
37. Have you resigned to your fate? Do you lack interest and ambition? Do you feel there is no inner motivation left in life? Have you given up efforts to make any positive changes in your life?
38. Do you have difficulty forgiving and forgetting? Do you feel you are a victim of fate? Do you feel unjustly treated by life? Do you always stress on the negative aspects of situations or events? Do you feel bitterness and resentment towards others?
39. Mixed bag of all emotions.
Anxiety, Nervous, Stressed. – Effect on mind and body?.
Irritability. Anger. – Effect on mind and body?
Fears. Eg heights, darkness, closed places, water, fire, exams, etc. – Effect on mind and body?
Grief, Sorrow – Effect on mind and body?
Weeping – Effect on mind and body.
Sensitive. Affected by sight of blood, violence, sad stories.
Keeping things in proper place, being proper. Affected by disorder.
Suspicious, doubtful.
Inferiority complex.
Reserved or like to mix up with people.
Job satisfaction, ambition.
Past wrongful acts done by other.
Unwanted thoughts.
Memory weak. Concentration.
Abusive, cursing, swearing.
Effect of contradiction by others.
Effect of consolation by others
Nervous or anxious before important presentation or meeting, before examination.
Explain the type of Dreams you get during sleep? In what way you feel it is related to your present or past situation?
Anything else you would like to add to the above data?