Many times it has been observed that after a few days the pills become dry; there is no taste of the medicine dilution on taking the pills in the mouth. Many feel that the medicine has evaporated and thereby intake of the dry pills will not help them.
Let’s get a bit technical………. According to the instructions laid down in the pharmacy book for dispensing medication, it has been mentioned that after medicating the globules with the medicinal dilution the vial of pills has to be emptied on a blotting paper so as to absorb the extra dilution. After thus ‘drying’ the pills, the vial is refilled and dispensed to the patient.
Now the above pharmacy procedure is not practical since it is time-consuming. Also it is commonly observed that the pills get dry due to natural evaporation. So it really does not matter whether you intake wet pills or dry pills. Psychologically we feel better when the taste of the dilution is felt in the mouth.
It is not possible to exactly medicate the pills with the exact quantity of dilution; so to be on the safer side, always an extra amount of dilution is added to ensure uniform medication of all globules. So in the initial few days the pills are always wet.
PLEASE IMPRINT ON YOUR MIND – the pills once medicated with the dilution will ALWAYS remain medicated no matter whether they are dry or wet. There is no need of any concern or worry regarding the medicinal effect. The right medicine will always have the right effect.