The description of Sensations is very important and should be specially noticed and described to the homoeopathic physician while giving the case.
For Sensations of pain, pain of all kinds, see Section on HOMOEOPATHY AND PAIN.
These special Sensations may occur in any part of the body, or internally, or in the head or extremities.
Give the sensation in your own language to express it.
No matter how simple, or even ludicrous, it is necessary to give it.
It may be like a mouse or bug crawling ;
like wind blowing into the ears or eyes ;
as if someone was pulling a hair ;
as of a blow on the back ;
as if the heart was grasped by an iron hand ;
as if claws were grasping the bowel ;
as of a splinter in the throat or flesh ;
like a string or thread on the tongue or in the throat ;
as if a joint were dislocated ;
as of a band or cord around the head ;
as though you had a cap on or hat ;
as of a plug in the ear or in some other place.
These are merely illustrations, a few that have occurred to other persons, and are given that you may understand what is meant by sensations.
Always give the location as well as the sensation.
Reference: What
the doctor needs to know in order to make a successful prescription by Dr. James Tyler Kent