Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Here are a few remedies helpful in recovering from injuries. The information has been taken from various books of Homeopathic Materia Medica written by some of the greatest physicians. The information given below is meant to familiarize the reader with the scope of homeopathy rather than being a treatment guide. Kindly consult your physician before using any remedy. All the other necessary first-aid measures or specialist consults are to be adopted as per the case. 


Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc.; prevents infection.  Remarkable healing agent in open, torn, cut, laceration, ragged or suppurating wounds. If it does not abort an abscess, it favors maturing and ultimate healing. It is the first medicine (in tincture form) you can reach for to cleanse any open wound as it promotes healthy granulation and rapid healing. According to Dr. James Tyler Kent, Calendula is all the dressing you will need for open wounds and severe lacerations. It takes away the local pain and suffering.


Dr. Phatak calls it a traumatic remedy par excellence. Excellent for injuries resulting from falls, blows, contusions. After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains. It is also indicated in injuries where there are hemorrhages and ecchymosis (to take internally). It is never applied on open wound in tincture form. It has an absorbent action. Recurring boils. Very good remedy to start in fracture to ease the pain until you consult the orthopedic surgeon. It is useful in easing the pain and preventing infection after surgical operations.


Dr. Pulford mentions that Symphytum is indicated in injuries to tendons and periosteum; when bone or periosteum has been injured and the soft parts have recovered from the bruised soreness after Arnica, the remaining pain and soreness of the periosteum is generally promptly relieved by Symphytum. Of great use in wounds penetrating to bones and in non-union of fractures. Irritable stump after amputation. Irritable bone pains at point of fracture. Injuries to cartilage and periosteum. Pain in the eye after a blow of an obtuse body. For traumatic injuries of the eyes, no remedy equals this.

Comparing with Arnica – Arnica is for injuries to soft parts, Symphytum is for hard parts. Arnica has painful swelling with discoloration; Symphytum is without discoloration. Arnica pains are sore, bruised and lame; Symphytum has pricking, stitching pains.


Useful for insect stings. It is indicated in punctured wounds produced by sharp-pointed instruments or bites, particularly if the wounded parts are cold. Dr. Lippe mentions that Ledum may be used to prevent or remove black and blue spots after blows. Boil at the finger tip from prick of needle or splinter. Dr. Phatak mentions that if Ledum is given immediately after punctured wounds, it prevents tetanus.


St. John’s Wort is promoted as a remedy for depression, but it is one of the most wonderful remedies in treating nerve injuries. Injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails. Crushed fingers. Punctured wounds. It relieves pains after operations. Concussion of brain and spine in railroad accidents. Dr. Lippe calls it the ‘Arnica of the nerves’. Excessive painfulness and soreness of the affected part indicates towards Hypericum.


Useful for injuries related to the periosteum and cartilages. Sprains (after Arnica). Lameness after sprains. Fractures and dislocations. Tendons become sore. Bruised, sore, aching pains with restlessness. Complaints from straining flexor tendons.


Valuable remedy for burns and scalds. Sore and burning pain. Burns before blisters form.


First remedy in injury to deeper tissues, after major surgery. Excellent remedy for sprains and bruises. Near and remote effects of blows, falls, accidents. Fall on coccyx leading to severe backache. It removes the exudations of swellings of many kinds due to injury. Trauma to pelvic organs (trunk region). Post operative pains and ecchymosis.

MEDICINE DOSAGE AND REPETITION  Generally the 200th potency is suitable to keep at home. Take 4 pills at a time. The frequency of repetition can be as low as one dose only to taking every 5-10 minutes till symptoms improve. It is better to consult before taking the dose.

Concordant Materia Medica by Dr. Frans Vermeulen.
Pocket Manual Of Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. W. Boericke.
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica by Dr. Lippe.
Materia Medica Of Homoeopathic Medicines by Dr. S. R. Phatak.
Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures and Clinical Comments by Dr. Pulford.
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. James Tyler Kent.
The main source book has been Concordant Materia Medica.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Influenza or flu is an acute contagious infection, mainly targeting the respiratory tract, caused by the influenza virus. The common symptoms are fever, cold, cough, bodyache, headache, and weakness

Apart from medicines there are a few things you can do to arrest the problem and speed up recovery:

Steam and Gargles: Hot water steam and gargles are an effective way to soothe the irritated upper respiratory tract. Avoid adding anything to the water. Plain hot water steam is best. You may add salt to the water you use for gargling.

Water: Drink lots of water to hydrate the system. It also helps in mobilizing the cold out of the body. Taking steam will be of limited benefit if your body is not well-hydrated. Dehydration aggravates the fever and headache since the detox mechanism is compromised. Caffeine, alcohol, cola beverages should be avoided as they promote dehydration.

Rest: Any fever, any infection, any illness needs rest for the body to effectively repair itself.

Vitamin C: Taking 1-2 grams of vitamin C is helpful in improving immunity to colds and infections.

Extra Care: Washing hands regularly helps in preventing the virus spread through touch. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as far as possible. Wash your hands after a sneeze or cough; do cover your face with your hands or a handkerchief while sneezing and coughing to prevent spreading the virus.

ROLE OF HOMEOPATHY IN FLU: Homeopathy will not kill the flu virus, but it will improve the body’s response in eliminating it through its immune mechanism. The common flu remedies are Aconite, Bryonia, Eupatorium, Arsenic Alb, Rhus tox. It is advisable to consult your doctor before starting on any remedy since the choice of medicines depends on the symptoms you are having. Secondly, it is also important to rule out other disease conditions before commencing treatment. Homeopathy also has preventive remedies which are chosen according to the individual case. Homeopathy is very effective and without side-effects in treating the flu.

Friday, March 25, 2011


The World Health Organization defines health as, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Homeopathy is an ideal health-care solution to many corporate related health issues. The stress and strain of work related burdens on the human economy is evident by the increasing incidences of serious conditions like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension on one hand and headaches, allergies, cold and fevers on the other. Homeopathy covers physical as well as mental aspects of a person when treating the condition.

Health is maintained by a balance in four areas of life – nutrition, exercise, rest and attitude. When leading a corporate type of lifestyle, all four areas are compromised thereby inviting a host of medical problems sooner or later.

Irregular working hours, unhealthy eating habits, sleep deprivation, anxiety and stress all are a perfect recipe for a health disaster. The body has a threshold to withstand all this anti-health programming. After the baseline level is crossed, things just start accelerating and getting out of control. This leads to the development of what is termed as “lifestyle disorders.”

Homeopathy with lifestyle management offers an effective solution in managing a lot of health issues in corporate life. It is a safe, gentle and convenient method of treatment which can easily be incorporated in your daily routine by all. It can even be given with the regular allopathic mode of treatment. Faster and efficient results can be achieved if homeopathy is included as an additional or even the primary mode of treatment in many cases.

Homeopathy deals with the mind and the body and therefore encompasses a holistic approach towards any illness. Homeopathy treats the man as a whole. The treatment is individualized for each person and is therapeutic as well as preventive.

Corporate offices have a medical center with allopathic doctors on board on a part-time or full-time basis. Homeopathic doctors can also be of great service to companies, which have such setups, to address many health problems faced by employees.

Homeopathy could thus be used as an effective method of addressing many health concerns to improve productivity, performance, and activity in the office environment.

Our motto: Treat gently, safely, permanently.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Pregnancy – the joy of being a mother. With it comes change – physical and mental. Major physiological changes take place in the body and at certain times there are a few unpleasant conditions that come up. Medicines, especially allopathy, are to be used with caution since you have handle two lives and therefore keep in mind the effects of whatever you consume.

Homeopathy before pregnancy helps in improving immunity if the lady is susceptible to infections, allergies, and such conditions. Conditions like acidity, indigestion and constipation can be treated before they tend to get worse during pregnancy. Homeopathy works in helping the couple being physically and mentally fit before starting a family.

Homeopathy plays a very vital role in all the three phases of pregnancy – before, during, and after. During pregnancy, homeopathy can be used in all the three trimesters thus ensuring a safe and gentle method of treatment for whatever symptoms come up during this sensitive period in a woman’s life. “Homeopathy treats without side-effects” – this statement bears maximum importance in the field of obstetrics where even the obstetrician is not too pleased or not allowed to use the entire spectrum of allopathic medicines considering their side-effects unless forced to due to threat to life. Here homeopathy is a dear friend of the woman as well as the doctor in curing or palliating symptoms as the case may be.

Homeopathy covers the following pregnancy related conditions. The list is not complete, but made to just give you an idea of the scope of homeopathy. In certain conditions, it can palliate the case thus giving comfort to the lady.

Nausea and vomiting
Acidity and indigestion
Respiratory tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Anxiety and Fear
Postpartum mood disturbance (sleeplessness, anxiety, tendency to weep easily, depression, and irritability)

Homeopathy after pregnancy helps in early recovery and healing of surgical wounds, if operated. Post-delivery depression and such emotional issues can be safely dealt with homeopathy.

Apart from the above conditions, homeopathic medicines for chronic conditions which the lady may be suffering from can be continued during and after pregnancy without fear or concern. Homeopathy and nutrition works wonders for the mother and the child.

Homeopathy can be used for the child also for all pediatric related complaints.

Choose homeopathy. It is safe. It is effective.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Can homeopathy treat diabetes effectively? Can I stop my allopathic oral medicines and insulin after starting homeopathy? This is a very common question that comes up before starting homeopathic treatment.

According to WHO, diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Hyperglycemia, or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels.

If the pancreas has stopped producing insulin, taking insulin is the solution. Running after herbal formulae, diabetic teas, homeopathic formulae, drinking bitter-gourd juice or amla juice will not help much. But if the body is producing insulin and the problem is insulin resistance, then we can achieve a lot of things by proper management.

The management of diabetes mellitus is not managing intake of sweets and sugar. It is the management of your entire lifestyle. Moderation is the key. Treatment of diabetes is in the following order – First diet, then exercise, lastly medicines. Sadly enough, we only want to take medicine to eat everything and keep the sugar levels under control. This might work in the beginning, but it is a recipe for disaster.

The management of diabetes is not only in keeping the sugar levels under check for a few months, but it is to keep your body in optimum functioning for years to come. We need to treat the insulin resistance. Just forcing your body to produce more insulin or giving it readymade is not the solution; it is an adjustment. If the person is not ready to alter his lifestyle then that may be the only option left, I agree to that too.  

Before we see what homeopathy can do let us see the overall options –

DIET: Cutting on processed foods, sugar, saturated fats, and deep-fried foods is a good way to start with. Eat regular small meals. Drink 2-3 liters of water everyday. One fruit a day is allowed if sugar is under good control. Fruits are any day better than cakes and chocolates. Avoid juices since there is no fiber to release the fructose slowly in the system. Vegetables must be consumed. With all this your wheatgrass, aloe vera, amla, bitter gourd, cinnamon, etc. can be included. They do help, no joke. Keep one thing in mind, they are not a treatment, but they are a very good support, really good! Nature knows better than man. Do not do dieting if you are diabetic.

EXERCISE: The importance cannot be stressed enough; it is that urgent and important. Walking, cycling, visit to the gym – do whatever you want, but just do it. Exercise is one of the best methods to improve insulin resistance. Motion is life, therefore move!

YOGA, MEDITATION, AFFIRMATIONS, POSITIVE THINKING: Do it to manage stress. Think positively, it helps and more important, “it works.” Stress is a killer. We need to live with it, but at least manage it.

Allopathy required in severe cases. It is required if you are not going to exercise or manage eating habits. It can be totally avoided if you are just on the border – glucose intolerance. It can be given in the beginning in mild cases.

HOMEOPATHY: Practicing homeopathy does not mean only giving homeopathic medicine; it means giving homeopathic medicine along with guidance on diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, would have liked it that way.

People want to take homeopathy like allopathy thinking that at least there are no side effects and then do whatever you want to do. “Take this medicine and eat anything” may sound good but is not possible. It does not work that way. Homeopathy will show good results along with diet and exercise. Homeopathy will cover mind and body parameters of the person. Better healing, better energy levels, other complaints in association with diabetes also covered under treatment. A proper case taking with understanding of lifestyle, diet and exercise pattern is needed before starting treatment. A proper followup is required. Being regular with your treatment like taking medicines as directed, following instructions, giving timely feedback is essential.

Allopathic intervention needed where necessary. By allopathic intervention, we do not mean spoil the case by trial and error for few months and then refer to allopathy. It means according to the condition of the patient, what is best suitable is adopted. If allopathy is already going on, homeopathic treatment can help in keeping the person on the minimum dose of allopathy and with good patient compliance even discontinuing the medicines – both allopathic as well as homeopathic. That is a gold standard, not achievable in all cases in today’s times.

Laboratory investigations are required to monitor progress. Apart from fasting and post-prandial readings, HBA1c report is needed to assess sugar control in past 2-3 months. Other investigations like lipid profile, renal profile, ECG, etc. are done as per case requirement. The lab data also reflects treatment success along with clinical correlation.

So, with homeopathy don’t expect some magic potion will be given to you and all will be well. You play an equally important role in controlling your diabetes along with your physician. Homeopathy is an excellent option for controlling diabetes, but it too is a form of treatment which needs proper case handling and followup.

Wishing all good health!!!

Cheers to life!!!