While giving the homoeopathic case history modalities play a vital role in remedy selection.
This aspect refers to each disease, each sickness and to every symptom.
No matter what the trouble may be, it is necessary to describe this aspect while giving the case.
Be sure that the aggravation or amelioration you notice is from the cause given.
The time of an aggravation or amelioration refers to the year, the month, the week, the day, the night, or the hour.
State at what time your trouble, or any single symptom, is better or worse.
State what season of the year,
what time in the month,
whether the phases of the moon cause either,
what part of the week,
what hour of the day or night the trouble or single symptom comes on, or is made better or worse.
Is there any position which you may assume that causes the trouble or any single symptom to be better or worse ?
It may be when you first lie down, or after lying down awhile, or rising up after lying down ;
on sitting down, after sitting awhile, or on rising after sitting ;
standing, after standing awhile, or on sitting after standing ;
walking, walking much, walking in the house or in the open air, or in cold or warm air, or at night ; running, running rapidly or slowly ;
when stooping over, after stooping, or on rising from stooping ;
leaning the head backward, forward, to one side, or leaning the head on the table or the hand ;
lying with the head high or low ; lying in some particular position ;
crawling on the hands and knees ;
or some other of many possible positions.
Does anything cause the trouble or a single symptom to be better or worse ?
It may be reading,
ascending or descending the stairs or a hill,
biting the teeth together,
blowing the nose,
before or after one of the meals,
breathing, breathing deeply,
when chewing food, when eating or drinking,
closing or opening the eyes, looking up, down or sideways,
from heat, cold, from warm or cold air, heat of the stove or sun,
dry or moist air,
going into the air or going into a warm room,
sunlight or lamplight,
from excitement, fright, grief, sorrow,
fasting, some kind of food or drink,
motion or quiet,
when nose is discharging or is dry,
from ratification of the passions,
scratching, rubbing,
beginning of sleep, during or after sleep, loss of sleep,
before or during a storm,
swallowing food, drink of saliva,
talking, singing, hearing others talk or sing,
turning over in bed, covering up or uncovering,
wet, dry, windy, or cloudy weather.
The above is given to impress on the mind the great importance of noticing what may seem to be little things.
Any one of these may be great or little, but your physician must be the judge of that.
Reference: What
the doctor needs to know in order to make a successful prescription by Dr. James Tyler Kent
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