Here are a few remedies helpful in recovering from injuries. The information has been taken from various books of Homeopathic Materia Medica written by some of the greatest physicians. The information given below is meant to familiarize the reader with the scope of homeopathy rather than being a treatment guide. Kindly consult your physician before using any remedy. All the other necessary first-aid measures or specialist consults are to be adopted as per the case.
Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc.; prevents infection. Remarkable healing agent in open, torn, cut, laceration, ragged or suppurating wounds. If it does not abort an abscess, it favors maturing and ultimate healing. It is the first medicine (in tincture form) you can reach for to cleanse any open wound as it promotes healthy granulation and rapid healing. According to Dr. James Tyler Kent, Calendula is all the dressing you will need for open wounds and severe lacerations. It takes away the local pain and suffering.
Dr. Phatak calls it a traumatic remedy par excellence. Excellent for injuries resulting from falls, blows, contusions. After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains. It is also indicated in injuries where there are hemorrhages and ecchymosis (to take internally). It is never applied on open wound in tincture form. It has an absorbent action. Recurring boils. Very good remedy to start in fracture to ease the pain until you consult the orthopedic surgeon. It is useful in easing the pain and preventing infection after surgical operations.
Dr. Pulford mentions that Symphytum is indicated in injuries to tendons and periosteum; when bone or periosteum has been injured and the soft parts have recovered from the bruised soreness after Arnica, the remaining pain and soreness of the periosteum is generally promptly relieved by Symphytum. Of great use in wounds penetrating to bones and in non-union of fractures. Irritable stump after amputation. Irritable bone pains at point of fracture. Injuries to cartilage and periosteum. Pain in the eye after a blow of an obtuse body. For traumatic injuries of the eyes, no remedy equals this.
Comparing with Arnica – Arnica is for injuries to soft parts, Symphytum is for hard parts. Arnica has painful swelling with discoloration; Symphytum is without discoloration. Arnica pains are sore, bruised and lame; Symphytum has pricking, stitching pains.
Useful for insect stings. It is indicated in punctured wounds produced by sharp-pointed instruments or bites, particularly if the wounded parts are cold. Dr. Lippe mentions that Ledum may be used to prevent or remove black and blue spots after blows. Boil at the finger tip from prick of needle or splinter. Dr. Phatak mentions that if Ledum is given immediately after punctured wounds, it prevents tetanus.
St. John’s Wort is promoted as a remedy for depression, but it is one of the most wonderful remedies in treating nerve injuries. Injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails. Crushed fingers. Punctured wounds. It relieves pains after operations. Concussion of brain and spine in railroad accidents. Dr. Lippe calls it the ‘Arnica of the nerves’. Excessive painfulness and soreness of the affected part indicates towards Hypericum.
Useful for injuries related to the periosteum and cartilages. Sprains (after Arnica). Lameness after sprains. Fractures and dislocations. Tendons become sore. Bruised, sore, aching pains with restlessness. Complaints from straining flexor tendons.
Valuable remedy for burns and scalds. Sore and burning pain. Burns before blisters form.
First remedy in injury to deeper tissues, after major surgery. Excellent remedy for sprains and bruises. Near and remote effects of blows, falls, accidents. Fall on coccyx leading to severe backache. It removes the exudations of swellings of many kinds due to injury. Trauma to pelvic organs (trunk region). Post operative pains and ecchymosis.
MEDICINE DOSAGE AND REPETITION Generally the 200th potency is suitable to keep at home. Take 4 pills at a time. The frequency of repetition can be as low as one dose only to taking every 5-10 minutes till symptoms improve. It is better to consult before taking the dose.
Concordant Materia Medica by Dr. Frans Vermeulen.
Pocket Manual Of Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. W. Boericke.
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica by Dr. Lippe.
Materia Medica Of Homoeopathic Medicines by Dr. S. R. Phatak.
Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures and Clinical Comments by Dr. Pulford.
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. James Tyler Kent.
The main source book has been Concordant Materia Medica.