Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Homeopathy can be effectively used in the field of dentistry for child and adult related complaints.

Right from covering dentitional complaints of childhood to tackling infection, bleeding and trauma in adults, homeopathy can be used as a complementary mode of treatment to dental procedures.

During the dentition phase the child may -
become cranky,
put things in his mouth, try to bite or chew on anything,
have drooling,
get fever due to infection from putting things in mouth or gum inflammation,
get diarrhea,
refuse food.

Homeopathy will definitely help in such cases and ease the suffering of the child.

Homeopathy can also be used to alleviate anxiety and fear of visiting the dentist.

There are medicines which can be given to prevent infection and excessive bleeding during dental procedures. Remedies can be given before and after tooth extractions, root canal procedures, and orthodontic work to reduce pain and inflammation. It helps in early post-procedure recovery.

Homeopathy can also be used as a first-aid in toothaches till you get a dental opinion.

The important remedies such as Calendula, Calc Phos, Arnica, Chamomilla, and Phosphorus are widely used as per the indication. Kindly consult your doctor before using any medicines. Discuss your visit to the dentist with your homeopathic doctor to ensure early recovery without complications from dental procedures. Homeopathy can effectively deal with pain, inflammation, bleeding and infection.

The importance of proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist cannot be ignored at the same time since prevention is any day better than cure.

Use homeopathy in dentistry; put that smile back on your face. J  

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