Saturday, June 11, 2011


It feels great to go on a vacation. We get a change from the routine chores and need a break to recharge our batteries. But, some ailment cropping up can be a major disappointment for all of us. Also, there are times when we travel due to work-related business trips. Many children and adults are prone to some ailment or the other when they travel. Taking allopathy is the need, but many would not like to suffer the side-effect of the required medicine. Homeopathy steps in to fulfill the above needs.

ROLE OF HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathy is safe, gentle, and effective. There are no side-effects. It can be used by all age groups.

Some of the conditions covered are as follows:

MOTION SICKNESS: Air, road, water or rail. Nausea, vomiting, giddiness during travel is a nagging problem. Traveling on mountain slopes, smell of diesel or petrol, jerks in aeroplane, ascent and descent of aeroplane, constant movement of ship in water, etc. are known to be some of the causes related to this problem.

ALTITUDE SICKNESS: Traveling on heights. Holidays at places like Ladakh, which is at higher altitude or a trip to the Himalayas can cause discomfort due to low oxygen zones. 

JET LAG: Traveling from one time zone to the other can disturb our sleep rhythm causing complaints.

INDIGESTION, DIARRHEA AND VOMITING: Related to food and water. Overeating, not eating at regular intervals, eating and drinking at not-so-hygienic places due to lack of better venue are some of the routine events we all face when having our food outside. You may carry packaged water, but food is something you have to depend on the hotels of that area.

BITES AND STINGS: Ants, honey bee, mosquitoes, and other insects. There can be sensitivity to plants too.

CUTS, BRUISES AND MINOR INJURIES: Minor accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and to anybody. Concern is regarding bleeding, infection, pain and discomfort.

COLD AND COUGH: Sensitivity to cold foods, eating and drinking out, weather changes, exposure to cold, getting wet are some of the causes to catch a cold and getting miserable thereafter.

ACHES AND PAINS, EXERTION: Walking, sight-seeing, swimming in the sea or pool, running, sitting for too long in one position can all lead to exertional aches and pains. Minor injuries too can be painful.

SUN SENSITIVITY: Sun allergies causing skin rashes can be irritating. Headaches and dehydration due to sunlight is not uncommon in extreme temperature areas.

Discuss with your homeopathic physician about your travel plans. Tell him about the complaints your family has during such trips. There could be other conditions you could be facing, or in addition to, than what is given above. The homeopathic physician can make a tailor-made medicine-kit for your requirements and he will explain you the dosage and indications. Mention to him if it is an overseas trip since he can give you a certificate for the medicines you would be carrying for airport checks.

Discuss about preventive options with your physician because there are even medicines which can be given as a preventive for certain conditions. We all know that prevention is better than cure. Avoid it rather than treat it. Discuss about supportive measures to be adopted along with medication if you happen to suffer from any ailment. Discuss your fears and concerns so that you are well-equipped for the journey.

We all want to our trip to be memorable, not miserable. Happy journey!!!

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