Thursday, July 23, 2020

Calcium Interactions

Avoid taking any calcium tablet or syrup with:
Your other allopathic medicine if it is going on.

Calcium is known to block the absorption of the other supplements and medicines.

You may not get the desired effect of those substances.

Always take calcium separately.

Drink lots of water throughout the day when taking calcium supplements.

Check with your physician the dose of the calcium applicable in your case.


It is a fat soluble vitamin. Therefore the powder form is advised to be taken in milk which has milk fats. If taken in water it should be after a proper meal, either lunch or dinner.

Any form of Vitamin D (capsule, tablet, liquid, or powder) should be taken after food that has fat content to improve the absorption.

Never take it with tea, coffee, green tea, colas, chocolate drinks, or any caffeine based drinks. Absorption will be poor.

Allopathic drugs like statins for cholesterol, laxatives, steroids, anti-epileptic drugs, antacids, diuretics (in many BP lowering drugs) can lower Vitamin D levels in the body.

The dose of 60000 units is generally applicable for all age groups unless prescribed otherwise. Please check with your physician the dosage recommended in your case.

ORS: Oral Rehydration Solution

Oral Rehydration Solution or Oral Rehydration Therapy or Oral Rehydration Salts: ORS is a mixture of sugar and electrolytes mixed in water to maintain the electrolytes and fluid balance in the body.

The common ingredients are salts of sodium and potassium with glucose. Some brands may add prebiotics and zinc to the mixture.

Homemade ORS can be made by adding 6 teaspoons of sugar + half a teaspoon of salt to one liter of water.

ORS solution helps as a first-aid remedy in
Low blood pressure
Low blood sugar
Heat stroke
Muscle cramps from dehydration
till you see your health care provider for proper treatment.

Also, check with your physician beforehand that there are no salt and sugar restrictions in your case.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Homoeopathy - How to Describe Skin Symptoms

A large number of patients seek homoeopathic treatment for skin ailments. These questions will help them to observe the symptoms and give an accurate description to the physician while case taking.

This includes all eruptions, pimples, sores, abscesses, ulcers, carbuncles, boils, warts, abnormal growths, and tumors as these are all amenable to the homoeopathic internal treatment.

Consult Sections Homoeopathy and Sensations,
                            Homoeopathy - Symptoms Better or Worse By
                            HOMOEOPATHY AND PAIN
                            Homoeopathy - How to describe Discharges of all kinds

1.      Does the skin heal readily after an injury ?

2.      Any roughness, cracks, sores from washing or cold weather ?

3.      Are you subject to skin diseases, and for how long ?

4.      Have any of your near relatives been troubled in the same way, or with any other skin 
       trouble ?

5.      Have you been vaccinated ?

6.      Was there any side effect ?

7.      Have you suffered from symptoms of eruptions with itching ?

8.      What treatment was used for it ?

9.      Have you had measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, mumps, or other similar diseases, and how did you get along during the sickness and afterwards ?

10.  Have you ever had a surgical operation for the removal of tumors, abnormal growth, warts, etc. ?

11.  Do you have problems with your nails ?

12.  Ingrowing toe nails ?

13.  Have you foul, sweaty feet ? (See Homoeopathy - How to describe Discharges of all kinds)

14.  How long has the skin trouble been present ?

15.  How did it first start ?

16.  Is the trouble sensitive to touch or pressure ?

17.  Give the exact location of places affected.

18.  Has the trouble been treated by local applications ?

19.  Has any skin disease ever been suppressed or apparently cured by local applications ?

20.  If so, what and when ?

21.  What does the disease or ulcer or skin-sore look like ?

22.  What is the appearance of the skin around the sore or under the sore ?

23.  Is there any itching of the sore ?

24.  What is the effect of scratching - better or worse by it ?

25.  Any scabs ?

26.  What is the appearance and general form of the scabs ?

27.  Any matter under scabs ? (See Homoeopathy - How to describe Discharges of all kinds)

28.  Describe any discharge from the sores as in Section Homoeopathy - How to describe Discharges of all kinds.

29.  Describe pain as in Section Homoeopathy And Pain.

30.  Any roughness of the skin ?

31.  In what way is the skin different from healthy skin ?

32.  Is there itching of the skin ? (Refer to Section Homoeopathy - Symptoms Better or Worse By)

Give location, color and character of any spots or blotches on the skin, whether very small or large.

Give location, color and appearance of moles or warts.

33.  What is the location, color, size, shape and appearance of any swelling ?

34.  Any sensations on skin as itching, burning, pinching, crawling of insects or bugs, stinging or anything else ? 
See Sections Homoeopathy and Sensations and Homoeopathy - Symptoms Better or Worse By

35.  Is the skin oily, shining, scaly ?

36.  What is the color of the skin ?

37.  Is the color natural or after any disease ?

Describe pimples, little blisters, etc., as to location, size, contents, appearance, etc.

Describe corns and bunions as to appearance, location and pain as in Section Homoeopathy And Pain.

Reference: What the doctor needs to know in order to make a successful prescription by Dr. James Tyler Kent

Homoeopathy: Details Related To Eating and Drinking

Food habits play an important role in causing, aggravating and relieving your symptoms. Carefully observe your food habits and describe your symptoms by using these questions mentioned below.

1.      Have you a craving for any special article of food ? (Not merely a desire, but a feeling that you must have it.)

2.      Any aversion to any special article of food ?

3.      Name the article in either case.

4.      Are you hungry much of the time or at any special time ?

5.      Is the hunger or craving for food excessive ?

6.      Have you no desire for food ?

7.      Do you have hunger with aversion to eating ?

8.      Do you eat without hunger ?

9.      Does the food taste good ?

10.  Has the food a natural taste ?

11.  How do you feel before eating ?

12.  Have you any bad effect from eating much or little ?

13.  Do you desire little or much food at a time ?

14.  Is there any special food that disagrees ?

15.  Do you desire solid or liquid food ?

16.  Do you crave for something but you don't know for exactly what ?

17.  Do you crave substantial food or dainties, candy, cakes, sweet things, sour things, etc., etc.

18.  Is the appetite even or variable ?

19.  Does food satisfy you ?

20.  Any trouble that always comes on after eating all you want, or after a little food ?

21.  Do you eat hastily or slowly ?

22.  Do you have sick stomach or vomiting after eating ?

23.  Does eating aggravate other complaints ?

24.  Are you sleepy after eating ?

25.  Have you pain anywhere after eating ? (See HOMOEOPATHY AND PAIN)

26.  Do you suddenly lose your appetite for food while eating, or at any time ?

27.  Are you very thirsty or thirstless ?

28.  Do you wish to drink often or seldom ?

29.  Do you want to drink much at a time, or little ?

30.  What effect has drinking on you ?

31.  Any trouble that always comes on after drinking ?

32.  Do you crave any special drink ?

33.  Do you wish hot or cold, or ice cold drinks ?

34.  Do you feel badly after drinking ?

35.  Does drinking satisfy you ?

36.  Do you use tea or coffee ?

37.  How much ?

38.  Do you use alcoholic or other liquors ?

39.  Do you use much milk ?

40.  Does milk agree ?

41.  Do you have sick stomach or vomiting after drinking ?

42.  Does drinking aggravate other complaints ?

43.  How does water, or other drinks, taste ?

Reference: What the doctor needs to know in order to make a successful prescription by Dr. James Tyler Kent